Lolizeppelin's Blog


Posted on By gcy


class taskflow.atom.Atom(name=None, provides=None, requires=None, auto_extract=True, rebind=None, inject=None, ignore_list=None, revert_rebind=None, revert_requires=None)[source]
    基类: object

    An unit of work that causes a flow to progress (in some manner).

    An atom is a named object that operates with input data to perform some action that furthers the overall flows progress. It usually also produces some of its own named output as a result of this process.



    name – Meaningful name for this atom, should be something that is distinguishable and understandable for notification, debugging, storing and any other similar purposes.

    provides – A set, string or list of items that this will be providing (or could provide) to others, used to correlate and associate the thing/s this atom produces, if it produces anything at all.
    可以是set、string或者items组成的列表, 这些对象将提供或者可以提供给其他(对象)

    inject – An immutable input_name => value dictionary which specifies any initial inputs that should be automatically injected into the atoms scope before the atom execution commences (this allows for providing atom local values that do not need to be provided by other atoms/dependents).
    一个不可变的name->value字典, 他指定了必须在atome执行之前自动注入到当前atom区域的初始化输入值

    rebind – A dict of key/value pairs used to define argument name conversions for inputs to this atom’s execute method.
    一个k/v字典, 用于提供参数转换atome的execute method参数名

    revert_rebind – The same as rebind but for the revert method. If unpassed, rebind will be used instead.
    一个k/v字典,提供参数给revert method用,revert method未能通过,rebind的的值将用于revert method

    requires – A set or list of required inputs for this atom’s execute method.
    一个set/list, 用于指定execute method运行必要的输入

    revert_requires – A set or list of required inputs for this atom’s revert method. If unpassed, `requires will be used.
    同上,用于revert method, 为你能通过使用requires的值

    version – An immutable version that associates version information with this atom. It can be useful in resuming older versions of atoms. Standard major, minor versioning concepts should apply.
    也就是允许 a.b 的版本号形式,a表主要版本,b表次要版本

    save_as – An immutable output resource name OrderedDict this atom produces that other atoms may depend on this atom providing. The format is output index (or key when a dictionary is returned from the execute method) to stored argument name.
    一个不可变的输出资源名字典, 这个atom提供的资源是其他的atome可能依赖的
    格式是输出索引(如果execute method返回的是字典,那么输出的就是字典的key)到存储参数名

    priority = 0
    A numeric priority that instances of this class will have when running,
    used when there are multiple parallel candidates to execute and/or revert.
    During this situation the candidate list will be stably sorted based on
    this priority attribute which will result in atoms with higher priorities
    executing (or reverting) before atoms with lower priorities (higher being
    defined as a number bigger, or greater than an atom with a lower priority number).
    By default all atoms have the same priority (zero).
    For example when the following is combined into a graph (where each node in the denoted graph is some task):
        a -> b
        b -> c
        b -> e
        b -> f
    When b finishes there will then be three candidates that can run (c, e, f)
    and they may run in any order. What this priority does is sort those three
    by their priority before submitting them to be worked on (so that instead
    of say a random run order they will now be ran by there sorted order).
    This is also true when reverting (in that the sort order of the potential
    nodes will be used to determine the submission order).
    a执行完后执行b, b执行完后可以执行c e f,执行顺序是不确定的,
    设置了priority, c e f的执行顺序就有优先级了

    requires – A OrderedSet of inputs this atom requires to function.
    通过上面参数requires生成的有序字典 key就是参数名字, value是参数别名
    默认情况下key==value, key!=value的情况看下面rebind

    rebind – An immutable input resource OrderedDict that can be used to
    alter the inputs given to this atom. It is typically used for mapping
    a prior atoms output into the names that this atom expects
    (in a way this is like remapping a namespace of another atom into the namespace of this atom).

    revert_rebind – The same as rebind but for the revert method. This should only differ from rebind if the revert method has a different signature from execute or a different revert_rebind value was received.
    inject – See parameter inject. – See parameter name.
    requires – A OrderedSet of inputs this atom requires to function.
    optional – A OrderedSet of inputs that are optional for this atom to execute.
    revert_optional – The revert version of optional.
    provides – A OrderedSet of outputs this atom produces.


rebind就是把参数名映射成其他名字,比如executor(a, b)
在默认情况下requires字典值是{'a': 'a', 'b': 'b'}, 通过rebind=['a1', 'b1']
requires字典将变为{'a': 'a1', 'b': 'b1'}

save_as  这个有序字典是通过迭代前面的参数provides生成
provides 有序set,从save_as中取出的所有key生成,也相当于一开始的参数provides存到有序set中

这个属性是任务链的关键参数,但是这里理解不了,需要后面才能看懂,先看看翻译就好 ---


Engines are what really runs your atoms.

An engine takes a flow structure (described by patterns) and uses it to decide which atom to run and when.

TaskFlow provides different implementations of engines. Some may be easier to use
(ie, require no additional infrastructure setup) and understand; others might
require more complicated setup but provide better scalability.
The idea and ideal is that deployers or developers of a service that use
TaskFlow can select an engine that suites their setup best without modifying the code of said service.




Engines usually have different capabilities and configuration,
but all of them must implement the same interface and preserve
the semantics of patterns (e.g. parts of a linear_flow.Flow are run one after
another, in order, even if the selected engine is capable of running tasks in parallel).

这里就是说,无论用什么Engine, 主要参数是一直的

An engine being the core component which actually makes your flows progress
is likely a new concept for many programmers so let’s describe how it operates
in more depth and some of the reasoning behind why it exists.
This will hopefully make it more clear on their value add to the TaskFlow library user.



A task (derived from an atom) is a unit of work that can have an
execute & rollback sequence associated with it (they are nearly analogous to functions).
Your task objects should all derive from Task which defines
what a task must provide in terms of properties and methods.



A retry (derived from an atom) is a special unit of work that handles errors,
controls flow execution and can (for example) retry other atoms with other parameters if needed.
When an associated atom fails, these retry units are consulted to determine
what the resolution strategy should be. The goal is that with this consultation
the retry atom will suggest a strategy for getting around the failure
(perhaps by retrying, reverting a single atom, or reverting everything contained in the retries associated scope).

Currently derivatives of the retry base class must provide a on_failure() method
to determine how a failure should be handled. The current enumeration(s)
that can be returned from the on_failure() method are defined in an enumeration class described here:

